Monday, June 4, 2018


Botanical Name: Chilopsis Linearis
Common Names: Desert Willow
Alternate Botanical Names: Bignonia Linearis, Chilopsis Saligna

Visual Characteristics: Often tree like, with intricate weeping branches. They seem to hover in the breeze, as if sailing over gravity rather than completely succumbing to its infallible will. Pinkish inflorescences followed by thin green pods wave in the wisp of wind. After the pods split and release their seeds, many turn brown and remain in marcescent fashion, further illuminating the plants silhoutte. Those which do not remain attached flutter earthbound in dense congregations near the trunk, scattering sparsely as outward they land.
Native To 29 Palms: Yes
Native To Adjacent Regions: Yes
Occurance In Neighborhoods: Common
Occurance In Rural Areas: Common

Use by Indigenous Cultures: Many The branches were used for small tools, weapons and equipment. Parts of the plant were also implemented to treat fungal infections, respitory ailments and small lacerations. 
Sentiments: Leaves they linger leering ground, some defy the laws they bound, The pull so full oh hear it call, still they stand and sweetly stall, In the night her soil seeps, And flowers bloom breach its reach. 

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