Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Botanical Name: Cylindropuntia Fulgida
Common Names: Chain Fruit Cholla, Jumping Cholla
Alternate Botanical Names: Opuntia Fulgida

Visual Characteristics: Segments appear thorny with long radiating spines and prominent, plump tuberacles. They sit atop older, trunk like growths which darken, harden, and gnarl as they mature. Flowers bloom in beautiful shades of purple for one day and then wilt. The flower bud eventually swells into a fleshy fruit, out of which a new flower forms. This process is repeated and can form long chains, often in prolific quantity. This species also seems to reproduce vegitatively with more success and speed than other relatives in the area. 
Native To 29 Palms: No
Native To Adjacent Regions: Yes
Occurance In Neighborhoods: Common
Occurance In Rural Areas: Rare

Use by Indigenous Cultures: Some spiritual festivals held by native tradition involved multiple gatherers combining their harvests for a grand feast of roasted Cholla buds. Any surplus were cured and saved for less abundant times.
Sentiments: Far from home by roam be brought, land so new by few be sought, fur or hide or skin they travel, and unravel in the gravel.

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