Monday, March 5, 2018


Botanical Name: Cylindropuntia Fulgida Variety Mamillata
Common Names: Boxing Glove Cholla
Alternate Botanical Names: Opuntia Fulgida Variety Mamillata

Visual Characteristics: Different in form than your average Cholla with curved, sometimes oddly shaped segments, some with few spines. Prolific in both its continued growth from established specimens, and its ability to reproduce vegetatively. This is a great attribute for a plant to have in the proper environment, however those same qualities make it an invasive species in some parts of the world.
Native To 29 Palms: No
Native To Adjacent Regions: Yes
Occurance In Neighborhoods: Uncommon
Occurance In Rural Areas: Rare

Use by Indigenous Cultures: Some tribes kept track of Cholla growth habits, and harvested accordingly. The sought after item was flower buds just before blooming. When eaten, the flower organs within had a pronounced taste.
Sentiments: Once a tail to two were told, in Joshua Tree during time of old, Ramosissima and she danced in unity, until fun became one and spout out a new tree.

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